
5 Questions From Within the Lean Community with Jeff Hajek

This month A
Lean Journey Blog turns 15 and as I look back on how I got started and who
influenced my journey I wanted to revisit a previous series I started in 2012
called the Meet-up.

One of the
things I am so found of in the Lean community is the general wiliness to share
with each other.  I have learned some
much from my very experienced colleagues since I have been an active
contributor.  Every month I roundup the
best Lean related posts and articles I found particularly valuable from these
fellow bloggers and contributors. Each one has their own story and opinions to

The goal of
Meet-up is provide you an opportunity to meet some influential voices in the
Lean community.  I will ask these authors
a series of questions to learn about them, their lessons, and get their
perspective on trends in industry.

In today’s
edition, we are going to meet-up with Jeff Hajek. When I first started Jeff was
a great resource and support for me as he was starting his own business. We
shared a passion for Lean and sharing knowledge with others that led to many
collaborative projects together. Jeff filmed a short video to answer these

1. Who are you,
what organization are you with, and what are your current lean-oriented

2. How, when,
and why did you get introduced to lean and what fueled and fuels the passion?

3. In your
opinion what is the most powerful aspect of lean?

4. In your
opinion what is the most misunderstood or unrecognized aspect of lean?

5. In your
opinion what is the biggest opportunity for lean in today’s world? How can that
be accomplished?Through their
answers to these questions hopefully you will get a sense of the thinking
behind those who are shaping the Lean landscape.  I continue to keep learning and thankfully
with the willingness of these practitioners to share I am positive you will,


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