
A Lean Journey: Lean Tips Edition #298 (#3496

Lean Tip
#3496 – Enhance Cross-Functional CollaborationMany
organizations find that most waste occurs at the points in a process where
different functions intersect. Breakdowns that result in waiting, wasted
motion, and unnecessary movement are common when handoffs occur. That’s why
getting all departments on one system to manage improvement and problem-solving
is critical. When everyone is on a single platform, communication flows
smoothly, and improvement gains momentum. Everyone speaks the same language and
follows a standard procedure for planning, implementing, and evaluating their
improvements.Lean Tip
#3497 – Conduct a Waste AuditA waste
audit involves analyzing each area of your startup to identify specific
instances of waste. This can be done by observing workflows, talking to
employees, and reviewing data. For instance, if you notice that your sales team
spends a significant amount of time on manual data entry, this could be
considered a waste of their time and skills. Similarly, if you find that your
manufacturing process results in a high rate of defective products, it’s
important to address this waste to minimize costs and improve quality.Lean Tip
#3498 – Monitor and Measure ProgressTo ensure
that your efforts to eliminate waste are effective, it’s crucial to monitor and
measure your progress. Set key performance indicators (KPIs) that reflect your
waste reduction goals and regularly track and analyze the data. For example,
you can measure the reduction in defects, the decrease in inventory levels, or
the improvement in lead times. By
monitoring and measuring progress, you can identify areas that still require
improvement and make necessary adjustments to your lean initiatives. Celebrate
success along the way to keep your team motivated and engaged in the waste
elimination process.Lean Tip
#3499 – Streamline ProcessesOne of
the most effective ways to identify waste is by analyzing your business
processes. Look for inefficiencies, redundancies, or bottlenecks that may be
causing unnecessary delays or expenses. For example, if your production line
requires excessive manual handling or frequent rework, it might be time to
invest in automation or process optimization. By streamlining your processes,
you can reduce labor costs, improve productivity, and minimize waste.Lean Tip
#3500 – Eliminating Non-Value-Added ActivitiesNon-value-added
activities refer to tasks that do not contribute to the final product or
service. These activities consume resources without adding any value for the
customer. Take a critical look at your operations and identify any activities
that can be eliminated or streamlined. For instance, excessive paperwork,
unnecessary meetings, or redundant approvals can be streamlined or eliminated
altogether. By focusing on value-added activities, you can enhance efficiency
and reduce unnecessary expenses.Lean Tip
#3501 – Give Your Team Members OwnershipThe best
leaders in the business understand the power of ownership. Giving ownership to
the team members means nothing but letting them make their own decisions and
making them accountable for their work.Making
team members accountable for their work induces a sense of responsibility in
them regarding their work can be very helpful in improving team performance.
They start to see their work differently so that their decisions can impact the
performance of the entire team.Lean Tip
#3502 – Ensure Proper CommunicationCommunication
is one of the critical factors that contribute mainly to team productivity.
Without effective communication, businesses fail.A lot of
successful businesses thrive on effective communication. Now, a project manager
must ensure effective communication prevails in a team.Communication
plays a significant role in helping team members to understand their job
responsibilities. And, if there is any communication gap, it can lead to
multiple confusions within a team, which will undoubtedly impact the overall
productivity of a team.Lean Tip
#3503 – Give Them Room to WorkEvery
employee or team member works best when given an environment where they are
allowed to do things ‘their way’. Most employees tend to lose interest as soon
as they are being micromanaged by their bosses or managers.One of
the many ways that can help you overcome this is to create a kickass team.
Define their job responsibilities and your expectations clearly to them. Now,
get out of their way and let them work on their own.At the
same time, be approachable so that if someone in your team has a question, they
don’t need to think twice to clarify their doubts.Always
trust your team with utmost confidence. This further strengthens their belief
in themselves which helps them to perform to their best abilities and
contribute positively to team productivity.Lean Tip
#3504 – Praise a Job Well DoneWhile for
different employees, different things work to boost their productivity and
efficiency at work. But for many of them, it is something as simple as being
acknowledged for their efforts.Nothing
can add to productivity if an employee feels that his contribution isn’t valued
enough. Whereas appreciating them in front of the whole team can work wonders.Instead
of virtual congratulatory words, this public act of appreciation inspires
others in the group to do their best. This promotes a healthy work culture in
an organization which will be an addition to boosting team productivity.Lean Tip
#3505 – Lead With GratitudeBeing
thankful can have a major impact on the people you work with within the
workplace. Gratitude improves how we interact with others and collaborate. It
makes our colleagues feel a sense of belonging and motivates them to work
harder. So, don’t ever underestimate the power of a firm handshake, a warm
smile, and saying “thank you” to your team members.Lean Tip
#3506 – Provide Help if NeededHelping
your team members at work is critical to fostering and maintaining a stable
workplace. As a team leader, you should encourage your team members to approach
you in case they have any questions or concerns at work. You should instill
confidence in them by taking the initiative. Observe your team, which people
are most productive and who are struggling with meeting deadlines.Here are
some ways how to improve team productivity by offering timely help to your team
members.Practice consistent communication with team
membersActively listen to people in your team and encourage
2-way communicationUse your experience to recognize when others
are struggling at workBuild relationships with team members while
being aware of professional boundariesPractice surprising acts of thoughtfulness such
as getting them coffee, leaving personalized “thank you” notes on their desk,
etc.Ensure a fair and even workload to prevent
employee burnout and excessive stressInspire positivity by maintaining a friendly
attitudeLean Tip
#3507 – Be Authentic and VulnerableCreate an
environment of trust and honesty within your team so people feel comfortable
talking about what’s going on for them. Start from the top by being honest and
open about where you have opportunities or where you might have trouble. Being
publicly vulnerable with your team shows them that admitting when you don’t
know or need assistance is OK.Cultivate
a team culture that lets people know that it’s okay to be human. Asking for
help, admitting you were wrong, or having a project go sideways isn’t
unforgivable. If you position these things as learning opportunities, it will
help your team be more productive — they can move forward and try new things
without having to worry about being punished for failure.Lean Tip
#3508 – Set a North StarOne of
the hallmarks of a good team is working together. But how are you supposed to
work together if you don’t know where you’re trying to go? Imagine a
three-legged race where both participants are trying to run in different
directions — they wouldn’t get very far!The same
goes for your team if they don’t have a unifying goal or metric that they are
trying to hit. Before you start trying to boost your productivity, identify the
big things that would impact your customers’ experiences. From there, distill
the big-ticket items into achievable goals and metrics.A
“North Star” metric is a measure that is the most likely to indicate
success for a company or team. In the case of support, your North Star metric
may be:Customer satisfaction (CSAT)Customer effort score (CES)First contact resolutionTime to first responseOr, it
may be something that funnels up to your company’s overall metrics. For
example, if your company sets a North Star metric of the number of customers
and wants to increase from 10,000 to 30,000 customers in a year, your team
would need to set some goals in service to that. Those goals might be closely
linked with:Customer happinessTime to first responseChurnRenewal rateCustomer satisfactionEach of
those metrics contributes to the company’s North Star by helping to maintain or
gain new customers.Lean Tip
#3509 – Prioritize Your GoalsOne of
the best ways to increase productivity within your team is to prioritize your
goals well and to help your team members prioritize theirs. Once you’ve
identified priorities and started to work toward them as a team, check in
regularly to see if they need to shift or grow with your team’s abilities and
your company’s goals.Lean Tip
#3510 – Reward Quality, Not QuantityRecognition
is so important when it comes to the workplace. Any good team lead or manager
takes the time to recognize the hard work and effort their team members put in.
This recognition can occur at the team level, within stand-ups or meetings, or
at the company level during all-hands or annual events.When you
recognize excellent work and contributions, try to focus on quality efforts
rather than the quantity of a body of work. For instance, consider if one of
your team members answers tons of tickets but has a low customer satisfaction
score. You may also have another team member who responds to fewer tickets but
has a 100% customer satisfaction rating. In this situation, it’s best to target
your praise on the team member with higher-quality work.


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