
Bright Horizons for ACMA as My Era Ends

When I became connected with ACMA in 2015, I had no idea how involved I would become in the association. I started participating on committees, joined the board of directors, led the Marketing & Communications Committee and eventually became chair of the board in 2021. As my two-year term comes to an end this summer, I want to reflect on some of ACMA’s recent achievements thanks to the dedication of the staff, board and members.Cindy L. Squires, Esq., began her role as president and CEO of ACMA on July 1, 2021 – the same day I started my tenure as chair of the board. She deserves recognition for the great work she has spearheaded to refocus our mission, build a team of committed staff members and renew the association’s operational excellence following the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are a few of ACMA’s accomplishments in the past two years:The launch of a sustainability program. In 2022, the association set a goal as part of its strategic plan to develop an effective sustainability program that will provide manufacturers with tools and resources to respond to customer requests for information about climate impacts; reduce climate impacts associated with the manufacture of composite products and raw materials; and educate end users, policymakers and the public about the use-phase sustainability benefits of composites.Expansion of Composites Tech Days. These unique events allow members to engage with end users in key markets, which will help achieve another of ACMA’s goals – increasing the use of composites within existing and new markets. Earlier this year, we held four virtual Construction/Infrastructure Composites Tech Days. In June, ACMA will host an event at the Hyundai-Kia Tech Center. (For more information or to register, visit today/hktechday.)Reenergized government affairs program. ACMA held its first fly-in event since the COVID-19 pandemic to meet members of Congress. (Read about it on page XX.) The association also expanded its members-only, policy-related webinars and other programming.Successful CAMX events. After a virtual conference in 2020, CAMX returned to an in-person conference in 2021. We’ve now had back-to-back shows with bustling exhibit halls, valuable educational sessions and fantastic networking opportunities. CAMX 2023, which will be held in Atlanta October 30 – November 2, promises to be even better.ACMA is providing the leadership necessary to continue moving the composites industry forward. But the road won’t always be easy. We need companies to engage with ACMA now more than ever and join important discussions around sustainability, advocacy and other topics. These topics will impact all companies in our industry, large and small.  If you aren’t a member of the association, join now and help shape the future of composites.Finally, I want to thank the ACMA Board of Directors and member companies for entrusting me to serve as chair. It’s been an amazing opportunity. And while my term is nearly over, my involvement in ACMA will continue. I hope to see you soon at upcoming ACMA events.Sincerely,


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