
Lean Roundup #179 – April 2024

selection of highlighted blog posts from Lean bloggers from the month of April
2024.  You can also view the previous monthly Lean Roundups here.   Strategy
Digi-deployment – Bruce Hamilton shares a few potential
(and common) pitfalls to avoid when digitizing your strategic deployment plan.  Simplifying Lean
– Bob Emiliani discusses the problems from simplifying Lean in terms of method
and in terms of objective. Enhancing
Organizational Efficiency through Supplier Process Improvement
– John Knotts explains why working with suppliers to improve their processes is
a strategic necessity in today’s complex and competitive business environment. My Piece for
IndustryWeek: Boeing Executives Failed to Lead, Waved Off Lean
– Mark Graban discusses the Boeing failures being a company problem, not a
worker problem. Content Follows Form or
Acting Your Way to New Thinking – Pascal Dennis
explains Lean excellence rests on a set of mental models or mindsets and
through these routines you can change one’s behavior. Nine Tips to Better
Process Development – Eric Ethington and Matt Zayko share nine
proven techniques for designing successful, waste-free processes to achieve
exceptional results with your next product launch. Continuous Improvement
vs Operational Excellence | KaiNexus – JJ Puentes explains the
difference between these two complementary paradigms that guide business
operations management so that you can apply elements of both to streamline
operations and achieve your most critical strategic goals. Lean Transformation for Enhanced ROI
– Matt Banna shares some tools that help optimize lean transformation depending
on your organization’s objectives. How Top Organizations
Approach Enterprise Digital Transformation – Danielle Yoon
explains how organizations are embracing digital technologies and modernizing
processes to enhance operational efficiency, improve agility, and unlock new
opportunities for growth and innovation. How Status Regulates
Progress – Bob Emiliani says to improve the
understanding and practice of management one must go into this work with eyes
wide open and have an interest in learning from the difficulties and mistakes
of others that preceded them. More
Crisis Control at Boeing and the FAA – Some Lessons on Building in Quality from
NUMMI – John Shook explores how the NUMMI joint venture between Toyota and
GM offers vital lessons on integrating quality right from the start as Boeing
grapples with recurring quality issues. Digital
Transformation in Manufacturing: Benefits, Key Challenges, and Solutions –
Megan Cox explores the ongoing digital transformation in manufacturing and the
challenges, benefits, and best practices for aligning smart manufacturing
technologies with business goals and values.


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