
Two things: Yesterday’s webinar recording, and a big update to the assessment debrief workshop

Thing 1: Yesterday’s webinar recording

For this month’s webinar we were joined yesterday by Karl Scotland, who over the years has made a number of significant contributions to the development of Agendashift and Leading with Outcomes. You can access the recording and related bits & pieces here. Enjoy!

While we’re on free events, there are two more this month, both on the 18th:

18 April, online meetup, 18:00 NZST, 07:00 BST, 08:00 CEST:Between Spaces, Scopes, and Scales: What the scaling frameworks don’t tell you

18 April, online, 15:00 BST, 16:00 CEST, 10am EDT:Experience/practice session: Organise the strategy

The first is ostensibly a rerun of my Kanban Australia 2023 keynote for folks from New Zealand who couldn’t make it across, but no doubt you would be welcome to join. The second departs from the usual assessment-related exercises and moves to the “organise the strategy” step, ie mapping.

Thing 2: A big update to the assessment debrief workshop

Hot on the heels of the much-improved Inside-out Strategy (II): Fit for maximum impact, I have released the latest materials for the Leading with Outcomes Assessment Debrief Workshop, essentially chapter 2 of the Agendashift book and the workshop design around which the rest of Agendashift and later Leading with Outcomes were built. This is a big update, perhaps the biggest since the 2nd edition of the Agendashift book was published. Some of the more noteworthy changes:

The Ideal reflection on the assessment prompts moves from the Areas of Opportunity exercise (now 100% focused on prioritising prompts) to the Fast part of a debrief-specific version of Obstacles Fast and Slow. Both of the affected exercises are improved by this change, so why didn’t I think of that before?!?!

It has the new integrated 15-minute FOTO deck. Facilitators might like (as I do) to introduce both Lite and Classic formats; however you choose to do it, the key issues worth discussing at that point are getting started quickly and not getting stuck in a rut for too long.

Experiment A3 (optional) is positioned such that participants may choose whether to use it on a big (mapping-inspired) or small (solution-related) hypothesis

A new Right to Left-inspired exercise, Anticipating the Insights, uses the A3 as an excuse to look ahead to the next feedback opportunity – with some hints to make that not too far away

I have restored the Full Circle exercise. In a nutshell, you compose your own assessment prompts according to our style guide. Optional, but it can be really positive way to finish, and in other workshop designs this exercise has become quite central.

As of this morning, authorised trainers and facilitators have access to the latest materials. For them (or for you to check it out), Inside-out Strategy (II): Fit for maximum impact is their guide. If you’re interested in becoming a trainer or facilitator, check out the following:

The Agendashift Academy Store

Train-the-Trainer / Facilitator (TTT/F) – four half-day sessions online, UK afternoons, May

Leading in a Transforming Organisation* – Berlin and London in June, Southampton in October

*Some extra self-study required to qualify from this to trainer or facilitator, by which time you will be super-qualified (ie you’ll have covered more than TTT/F does).

A smaller commitment is to study Leading with Outcomes in your own time online – for its own sake as leadership development for leaders in transforming organisations, or for its insights into coaching, consulting, and facilitation, particularly in the areas of organisation and strategy. Again, I refer you to the store page.

Upcoming events

Webinars and experience/practise sessions are taking a break now until the autumn.



*For TTT/F and Leading in a Transforming Organisation, ping me for coupon codes if any of the following apply:

Employees in public sector, education, and non-profit organisations get 40% off, as do authorised trainers and facilitators

There are subscription-specific discounts for Agendashift Academy subscribers

Members of the old partner programme get 30% off

Past participants of Leading in a Transforming Organisation can re-attend with 60% off (75% if you work for a public sector, education, or non-profit organisation)

Past TTT/F participants can re-attend online for free

Leading with Outcomes from the Agendashift Academy“Leadership and strategy in the transforming organisation”

Leading with Outcomes is our modular curriculum in leadership and organisation development. Each module is available as self-paced online training or as private, instructor-led training (online or in-person). Certificates of completion or participation according to format. Its modules in the recommended order:

Leading with Outcomes: Foundation

Inside-out Strategy (I): On the same page, with purpose

Inside-out Strategy (II): Fit for maximum impact

Adaptive Organisation (I): Business agility at every scale

Adaptive Organisation (II): Between spaces, scopes, and scales

Outside-in Strategy: Positioned for success

Individual subscriptions from £24.50 £18.40 per month after a 7-day free trial, with discounts available for employees and employers in the government, healthcare, education, and non-profit sectors. For bulk subscriptions, ask for our Agendashift for Business brochure.

To deliver Leading with Outcomes training or workshops yourself, see our Authorised Trainer and Authorised Facilitator programmes. Our next TTT/F training takes place in May (online).

Agendashift™: Serving the transforming organisationLinks: Home | Subscribe | Events | Media | Contact | MikeAgendashift  Academy: Leading with Outcomes | Trainer and Facilitator Programmes | Store

At every scope and scale, developing strategy together, pursuing strategy together, outcomes before solutions, working backwards (“right to left”) from key moments of impact and learning.


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